i am looking to advertise a martial arts school, what is the best wat to do it.?
2006-11-08 12:12:26 UTC
i am looking to advertise a martial arts school, what is the best wat to do it.?
Twelve answers:
2006-11-08 16:52:39 UTC
if you're just starting out, naturally you're not going to have a whole lot of money.. best way to advertise your school is not to worry too much about advertising in newspapers etc. it's expensive and only runs once, and most people are naturally programmed to ignore ads in the paper, unless they're huge and ad rates for big ads are incredible, don't do it until you get a good income base..

go for flyers - go for a black and white flyer, either 1/2 a page or 4 to a page. keep it simple - what you teach, where you're located, how to contact you, great for all ages(if applicable) the bottom price you offer per month, and maybe a cool graphic. print tons, cut and pass them out at grocery, department stores and colleges or after schools get out.. flyer cars at your local mall or department stores, during parades walk down the sidewalk and pass them out..

print larger ones and stick them on every billboard in your town...

free demos at local fairs are great too, if your town does octoberfest/july 4th/arts festivals etc.. offer to do a free demo to the coordinator, it takes up time in between band set ups and is entertaining for spectators, and possible money maker for you..

it's added exposure and gives people a demo of what they might expect if they come to your school.. also this is another great opportunity to pass out info on your school..

this is the best route to go if you're just starting out.. hope this helps!

~*good luck*~
Sifu Shaun
2006-11-08 14:49:55 UTC
Local newspapers are good, the phone book has always been the best thing for the money in my opinion. Demonstrations work great! Put an ad in the paper for three weeks saying you'll do a demonstration here at this time and this place, and you'll get people who show up.

In the end, though, word of mouth will always be the best.
2006-11-08 14:49:15 UTC
If you go to a Martial Arts school, they should be selling shirts with their logos on it. My friend Cinna and I advertise our schools by wearing the shirt in public and in our high schools. Also, we try to talk to some of our friends about Taekwondo (mine) and Karate (Cinna's) and tell them how much fun it is. That usually gets people interested really quickly. All of the time I'm asked, "So, how much is it?" Or, "Where is it located?" So, yeah, just do it the old fashioned way: Brag. =D!!
2006-11-08 15:22:59 UTC
First you need to determine your target audience (age, gender, demographics, income level, other interests, etc.)

After you have determined who to advertise to, you must find out how. Develope a brand that appeals to your target demographic (use Pride/UFC/MMA magazines for inspiration). Then figure out the best way to implement that brand.

Depending on what you find out about your target audience, you should be able to figure out where to spend your money - whether it be print, web, radio, television or word of mouth. If you are just starting out, print and web are where to start (I agree with BigKilla about your website).

Utilize offers in your print work and web work to create traffic in your gym. Once you get people in the door with a

trial/ demonstration/great deal etc. that's when you make your sale.

If you want to hire someone, I would be glad to help you. I am a graphic designer in a related field and have experience developing print, advertising campaigns, and brand identity. I am also an avid MMA fan and practitioner, so a trade can always be arranged.
2006-11-08 12:32:02 UTC
well we go to malls and put on demos then hand out flyer's at the end. We also have TV commercials and at the beginning of each new semester we hand out flyer's at the local schools. also any students that get a Friend to join gets a cool patch for their jacket. We also hold raffles and have students sell them to bring people to ceremonies and then might join after seeing what were all about. hope this helps and good luck.
2006-11-08 15:06:11 UTC
#1. DON'T spam yahoo answers bad idea that just pisses people off.

#2. I saw your web site and the design sucks bad you need to pay someone to design it for you! It is hard to read what is with all the bold colored text that look like links but aren't?? and why are they all different colors?

Here are some tips on your web site:

•Remember less is more sometimes.

•What kind of color scheme is going on here pick a color scheme and stick to it if your logo is blue and red keep your site blue and red (not orange yellow red green blue purple and all the colors in the rainbow) However Blue and red like the one in your logo hurts my eyes so please choose different colors.

•You need a Hierarchy on your home page

•the biography on the home page... yawn! who the hell is going to read that put it on a link that says about the instructor. put what your class will do for the person or their child (whoever you are marketing to) and put what styles you teach make it look like a list so it's easy to read.

All and all it doesn't look professional. you need to pay someone to design your site and if you did pay someone get your money back.

Listen to AdamG (the guy below me) and pay him to design your site please!!! and while your at it you should get a new logo I mean a ying yang c'mon. (the ying yang logo and the twelve year olds with black belts makes your place look like what is called a McDojo)
2006-11-08 14:53:11 UTC
go to a local night club pick the four biggest bouncers and beat the **** out of them.when you have done this give them all a hand full of "Flyers" and tell them to do a "Letterbox drop"then go to the local hells angels clubhouse(Say hi for me).and beat the **** out of the sgt at arms(good luck) tell him to go and see the local paper and tell them "im just trying to get a dojo going and i'm doin' it tough can you help?they might do you a good deal on the ad rates and they may even do a story in the sports section."

If that doesn't work at least A-you got some valuable experience or B-you got the **** beat out of you.i hope this helps if not i hope it made you laugh,i know how hard it is to get started 'specially with no dough.
2006-11-08 12:15:22 UTC
Flyers, Adds in news paper, stickers on your car, Event handouts. Blind Mail.

there are TONS!
2006-11-08 12:14:04 UTC
Kick some butt on main street at high noon, then hand out brochures.
2006-11-08 12:46:29 UTC
I'd say flyers and a good websight.
Fist of Iron
2006-11-09 09:45:10 UTC
put ad's in the newspaper.
2006-11-08 23:33:37 UTC
flyers in the letter boxes in your town.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.