First of all it depends on the instructions set by your sensei in this particular case. If your sense allowed this to happen, I'd say he's out of line and you may want to consider your choice of club. Secondly, he definitely in the wrong, control is key in karate. Remeber first principles, "There is no first attack in karate." As a higher grade, he should be teaching you and encouraging you, and definitely not hurting you. As a higher grade he has responsibility.
Though when you use the word "check", that sounds exactly like what he was doing. If he "checks" your kicks and your punches, the definition is "examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition". Which is exactly what he should be doing as a senior grade. I'm guessing that is not the way you are intending that word to be taken. I am guessing that you meant that he blocked all of your kicks and punches. That is a much more easy to understand use of English.
Talk to your sensei. If he doesn't do anything about it, I would seriously consider finding a better club. There is nothing to be gained from training under someone who does not care about you, and more importantly, the standards and true spirit of karate. I've seen Osaka-sensei and Tanaka-sensei, as fierce as they are in training, strip a yondan of the grade he had just passed the previous day because he lost his temper during kumite and let his control slide for just a second.
Just out of interest, I'm wondering why you let him get close enough to you to get a KNEE in. There's a reason hizageri is not a standard karate technique, and that reason is the fundamental of kumite, maai - the judging of timing and distance. To be honest if someone was careless enough to be that close to me during training kumite, I might nudge them with my knee to teach a very valuable lesson. If you're too close, you get hit.