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I agree generally with ISDS' division of the tactical component of fighting and the strategic component of what you do before the serial killer is even on the radar.
Proper strategy overcomes all manner of strength, speed, intelligence, or even firepower, by getting you in a situation where your enemy can't use it on you. It's why strategy must have tactics subordinated to it, rather than strategy subordinated to tactics. Everything one does in a confrontation, whether it is against anti-social or asocial predators, must conform to the strategic goal, the long term goal, not the short term goal.
For tactical training, I recommend any seminar or DVD product from here.
Generally speaking, women have higher sensitivity and awareness to social signals or vibes coming from strangers. That's because girls were talking to each other while boys were out doing misadventures. Much of the strategy which comes with preparation has to deal with paying attention to what you are getting from people and not ignoring it as mindless fear or prejudice. Instincts are instincts, neither good nor bad. What is good or bad is whether you pay attention to them and be safe, or ignore them and be in danger.
Generally speaking, from the criminal's point of view, they will test you and if you pass the test, they will attack. If a man looks weak, they'll attack. If a man reacts in a certain fashion that says "victim" or "prey", they'll attack. Same goes for a woman. There is the assumption that women won't fight back well or lack the ability to do so, so women have to be able to fail the test sooner than men to get the same results.
For example, many groups of youth will first test you by staring at you or trying to yell at you, call out to you, or say things which discomfort you. If you try to ignore them and look like you are afraid, that's probably because you are afraid and uncomfortable. That sends messages from your body the same as telling them "I'm afraid of you". It's not ignoring them at all. And it gives people more of a reason to escalate the nature of their conflict with you.
However, when a person turns around and calmly starts walking towards them after being called out, the youths will back off, become all of a sudden silent, and start becoming uncomfortable themselves. That's because walking calmly towards them says "potential predator" or "someone not scared of being outnumbered by younger or more numerous individuals". That says "high risk scenario incoming" rather than "look, a cute girl we can harass, let's go".
A smile also creeps out most people, because that's how (some) sociopaths look when they're about to hurt someone. Criminals understand very well how dangerous sociopaths are and they will totally avoid people that give off the "wrong vibes".
These body language signals cannot be faked. Not without years of training, at least. If you feel bad inside, you're 90% of the time going to be sending that msg to everyone around you. And if others know how to read body language signals, that's 99%.
It's why building confidence and teaching yourself skills, as well as training yourself to be able to fight and survive in a life and death scenario, will make your inner core strong enough that your avoidance strategies become much, much, more effective. Tactics subordinated to strategy.