Basic Self Defense Skills?
2011-07-07 21:24:19 UTC
Hi Im a 16 year old girl and im about to have my first job drive to school on my own
and right now I dont have the money for a self defense class...
Anyone have any basic self defense skills?
Btw I have taken gymnastics for many years and a self defense class when I was 13
for a short period of time so I have pretty decent strengh and flexibility
Nine answers:
2011-07-08 00:12:42 UTC
You should learn to flick your fingers out directly at their eyes! The best self-defense technique and the simplest to do! Another technique you can use is the ear slap (cup your hand) and slap the ear,again simple but effective. But you should know to tell someone where your going and when you will arrive before you depart! Be aware of your surroundings! Be smart and be safe! Suakaow
2016-12-24 05:24:21 UTC
2011-07-07 23:06:27 UTC
Cool, you must be quite strong if you did Gymnastics :D.

IF you want help learning some self defense online, best chances you can have will be looking up some videos because no one wants to type the whole method of self defense for you.

I will however not let you down.

A simple technique, very simple. When a person throws a punch at you, the movement starts with you side stepping and swiping your hand against the outside of the opponents wrist and pushing it away from your face.

You don't use alot of force and dont push it to far, just kind of guide it away from you but maintain its straight line so its like you disappeared from the attackers view and they didn't realize that you slightly touched their wrist causing a Parrying type of movement.

This is the most basic defensive technique you can learn and its quite effective. PRactice with a friend going slow so you can get used to the movements. Make sure your friend doesn't aim directly at your face when you start speeding up the movements or else you may just miss the persons hand and take 4 knuckles in the face.

Good luck sis. An alternative to real classes are online tutorials, not a good alternative but it is an option you can use to learn how to protect yourself.
2011-07-07 21:42:01 UTC
Strength and flexibility are helpful but do not teach you how to fight. It is impossible to teach you on Y/A. You need a teacher who gives you feedback and corrects you when you make a mistake. The street is the wrong place to find out your techniques don't work. You will also need a partner to practice the techniques. They are not easy. If they were everybody would be able to defend themselves.

So for now just common sense things. Walk in ligthed areas. No dark alleys. Park your car under a street light. Walk fast and determined. Don't look down when walking. Walk with people. Be aware of your surroundings. Carry your car keys in your hand when walking to your car. Things like that. Prevention is better defense than any strike you can learn.

Edit: If you do buy pepper spray or something like that learn how to use it so you do not end up with the stuff in your own face. If you were to spray it upwind for example it will come right back to you.
2011-07-08 05:42:20 UTC
I am not going to give you fighting tips, but I can give you some of the best advice I have received.

The biggest thing is being aware! For example I was at the mall shopping by myself and as I was leaving my red flags were blaring I realized the guy walking behind me had been in every store I had been in I just turned right around and pretended I saw a friend and went back inside and had security walk me to my car. The guy was gone. I didn't want to figure out if he was a true threat or not and I did not have to because I was aware.

it also not doing stupid things like going for runs by yourself while wearing headphones- you need to always be aware of your surroundings if you are out by yourself.

Also of there is ever a situation where you require assistance in a physical assualt- "Fire!" is one of the best words to yell-- as bad as it sounds many people will look away if you yell something like Rape!

There are many free 1 day self defense classes that you can take- just look around the neighborhood.
2011-07-07 22:29:17 UTC
The basics of self-defense, especially women's self-defense, are focused on perception and awareness; they are education intensive rather than physical. With basic self defense if a confrontation becomes physical then one has failed to apply the basic self defense tactics. The main focus of basic self-defense is being aware of one's surroundings, understanding the possible risks, and a good knowledge of body language.

In my area some free classes are offered by the police called "R.A.D. = Rape Aggression Defense courses" Most communities host something similar. These classes do not teach the physical tactics for dealing with active violence but they do have a lot of benefits in prevention and avoidance.

I would suggest either sending an e-mail to a local police department about self-defense classes or to several college sororities regarding the same. It shouldn't be too hard to track down some basic classes from either one of those sources.

Also, you may want to check out this resource and see if they can help you with your questions...
2011-07-08 08:17:50 UTC

Pick the most interesting subject to you on the top left bar, then start following the links embedded in the text, while reading in parallel. This is valuable, detailed information at no cost to you, other than a missed opportunity.

I agree generally with ISDS' division of the tactical component of fighting and the strategic component of what you do before the serial killer is even on the radar.

Proper strategy overcomes all manner of strength, speed, intelligence, or even firepower, by getting you in a situation where your enemy can't use it on you. It's why strategy must have tactics subordinated to it, rather than strategy subordinated to tactics. Everything one does in a confrontation, whether it is against anti-social or asocial predators, must conform to the strategic goal, the long term goal, not the short term goal.

For tactical training, I recommend any seminar or DVD product from here.

Generally speaking, women have higher sensitivity and awareness to social signals or vibes coming from strangers. That's because girls were talking to each other while boys were out doing misadventures. Much of the strategy which comes with preparation has to deal with paying attention to what you are getting from people and not ignoring it as mindless fear or prejudice. Instincts are instincts, neither good nor bad. What is good or bad is whether you pay attention to them and be safe, or ignore them and be in danger.

Generally speaking, from the criminal's point of view, they will test you and if you pass the test, they will attack. If a man looks weak, they'll attack. If a man reacts in a certain fashion that says "victim" or "prey", they'll attack. Same goes for a woman. There is the assumption that women won't fight back well or lack the ability to do so, so women have to be able to fail the test sooner than men to get the same results.

For example, many groups of youth will first test you by staring at you or trying to yell at you, call out to you, or say things which discomfort you. If you try to ignore them and look like you are afraid, that's probably because you are afraid and uncomfortable. That sends messages from your body the same as telling them "I'm afraid of you". It's not ignoring them at all. And it gives people more of a reason to escalate the nature of their conflict with you.

However, when a person turns around and calmly starts walking towards them after being called out, the youths will back off, become all of a sudden silent, and start becoming uncomfortable themselves. That's because walking calmly towards them says "potential predator" or "someone not scared of being outnumbered by younger or more numerous individuals". That says "high risk scenario incoming" rather than "look, a cute girl we can harass, let's go".

A smile also creeps out most people, because that's how (some) sociopaths look when they're about to hurt someone. Criminals understand very well how dangerous sociopaths are and they will totally avoid people that give off the "wrong vibes".

These body language signals cannot be faked. Not without years of training, at least. If you feel bad inside, you're 90% of the time going to be sending that msg to everyone around you. And if others know how to read body language signals, that's 99%.

It's why building confidence and teaching yourself skills, as well as training yourself to be able to fight and survive in a life and death scenario, will make your inner core strong enough that your avoidance strategies become much, much, more effective. Tactics subordinated to strategy.
2011-07-07 22:29:32 UTC
First you have to really decide if you want to die with honor or take a life. You think you are going to be able to beat someone (more likely more than one) to the point where they just give up and you hop in your car and drive away? Learn to run first then maybe learn to hit.
2011-07-07 21:26:18 UTC
idk try buying pepper spray or a tazer that seems to be the easiest way to go

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.