I get 144 kicks, not including knee or any of the 540/720, etc varieties
Stationary: (40 kicks)
[front, rear] leg front snap kick [ball of toes, instep, heel] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg front push kick [ball of toes, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg side kick [knife, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg axe kick [in-out, out-in, straight] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg crescent kick [in-out, out-in] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg roundhouse kick [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg hook kick [sole, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg inverted roundhouse kick (aka butterfly) [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
skipping (rear knee lifts, front leg kicks) (27 kicks)
front snap kick [ball of toes, instep] - 2 kicks
front push kick [ball of toes, heel] - 2 kicks
axe kick [in-out, out-in, straight] - 3 kicks
crescent kick [in-out, out-in] - 2 kicks
[foot-to-foot, step behind] side kick [knife, heel] - 4 kicks
[foot-to-foot, step in front] roundhouse kick [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
hook kick [sole, heel] - 2 kicks
[foot-to-foot, step in front] inverted roundhouse kick (aka butterfly) [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
hop (jump up or forward, front/rear leg kicks) (40 kicks)
[front, rear] leg front snap kick [ball of toes, instep, heel] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg front push kick [ball of toes, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg side kick [knife, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg axe kick [in-out, out-in, straight] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg crescent kick [in-out, out-in] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg roundhouse kick [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
[front, rear] leg hook kick [sole, heel] - 4 kicks
[front, rear] leg inverted roundhouse kick (aka butterfly) [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 6 kicks
Other side kicks: (5 kicks)
Reverse side kick
Jumping reverse side kick
Flying side kick
Flying roundhouse kick
Flying front kick
Spin kicks: (4 kicks)
Full spin kick
Jumping full spin kick
Reverse hook kick
Jumping reverse hook kick
Tornado kicks: (16 kicks)
Tornado front snap kick [ball of toes, instep, heel] - 3 kicks
Tornado front push kick [ball of toes, heel] - 2 kicks
Tornado side kick [knife, heel] - 2 kicks
Tornado axe kick [out-in, straight] - 2 kicks
Tornado crescent kick [out-in only] - 1 kick
Tornado roundhouse kick [instep, ball of toe, shin] - 3 kicks
Tornado full spin kick
Tornado reverse hook kick
Tornado flying side kick
Fancy/odd kicks: (12 kicks)
2x jumping front kick [straight, oblique] - 2 kicks
Scissors kick (left front kick + right side kick)
Toe kick
Flying triple/quad front kick
[front, rear] leg low/high front kick (or high/low, or same level, or x-number of kicks) - 2 kicks
[front, rear] leg low/high roundhouse kick (or high/low, or same level, or x-number of kicks) - 2 kicks
[front, rear] leg low/high side kick (or high/low, or same level, or x-number of kicks) - 2 kicks