2014-02-27 07:41:50 UTC
Zimmerman is not guilty, the trial is over, whatever. My question is about what you should do if you are caught in Zimmerman's situation, assuming Zimmerman was telling the complete truth with no exaggerations (i.e. the scratches that were on his head really came from Martin grabbing his bald wet head without losing his grip and breaking his own fingers on the concrete, picking it up and slamming it on the concrete over a dozen times, and not from Martin simply clawing ZImmerman's bald head when Zimmerman was grabbing him). 1) What do you do if someone gets on you in the mount and starts putting their hands on your head and tries to move it up and down and you have no gun to shoot? 2) what do you do if they put both their hands on your mouth and nose and starts smothering you (especially in the rain), and you don't have a gun to shoot them? 3)At the trial, Mark Omara picked up the mannequin by its shoulders instead of the head and body slammed it. What can you do if the top guy picks you up and moves you up and down by the shoulders and you have no gun to shoot them? That could knock the wind out of you, especially with that long range of motion. (as seen in the photo)
4)Another question is why have no self defense experts (other than very few on some sites like http://thefreedombulletin.com/2013/08/how-the-zimmerman-prosecution-blundered-and-lost/) talked about this. Martin did some very dangerous techniques on Zimmerman, moving someones head around could cause serious spinal injuries and smothering them in the rain could cause serious breathing problems.Picking someone up by the shoulders could knock the wind out of them. But no self defense experts have talked about this.
Some that I've spoken to said that Zimmerman was full of ****.
Some other martial artists I talked to supported Zimmerman and said that Zimmerman was telling the complete truth with no exaggerations. But when I asked them what to do if you are in Zimmerman's situation without a gun, they refused to answer the question.
Again,the jury found Zimmerman not guilty, my question is what could you do if you are caught in Zimmerman's situation and you don't have a gun to shoot, and why have almost no self defense practitioners, regardless of whether or not they completely believe Zimmerman's story, come out to address how to deal with these dangerous techniques (head grabbing and moving, nose and mouth smothering, shoulder grabbing and body slamming) if you are unarmed?