Wheredi Martial Arts originate and by whom (a brief history, please be specific?
2006-05-18 07:10:40 UTC
Wheredi Martial Arts originate and by whom (a brief history, please be specific?
Eleven answers:
2006-05-18 23:58:50 UTC
"Martial" refers to any thing related to war or fighting. The term "martial arts" means the art of fighting or war. Almost every culture/country that I can think of has a style of fighting or self defense they can claim as their own. I think that you may be confusing the term "martial arts" with a label for Eastern martial arts like Kung Fu or Karate.
2006-05-18 16:57:18 UTC
believe it or not, "martial arts" started in India when farmers had enough of the abusive government guards who would use their authority and weapons (only ones allowed to carry at that time) and steal their crops and sometimes even rape their women. The laborers started developing their own body parts to use as weapons. Now, because China has always been known as business "freaks" (no disrespect) and Chinese people would travel overseas all over the world just to trade and do business, somehow they must have acquired the art and spread it. As far as when, I wouldn't even try. There's a big debate about the issue. I am a martial arts advocate and this is just me after reading few martial arts history books which I thought reliable.
2006-05-19 20:54:25 UTC
This guy is right. Even chucking a rock can technically be considered a martial art. There are even some obscure methods of fighting developed by our own Native Americans!
2006-05-24 16:53:35 UTC
Martial Arts orginated in Ancient China it spread through Japan and then Korea.The Chinese Buddhist Monks used them over weapons the weapons that you see in Martial Art dojos are actually farming tools.
william b
2006-05-20 12:09:21 UTC
wherever war started.through out history man has always tried to perfect a better way to kill his enemies.the romanti cnotion is that the martial arts started in /chinas shaolin temple,and some say it came from india,while others insist it cam from Africa
2006-05-23 00:35:31 UTC
Karate was originated in Asia by Tatsai Daruma in 500 A. D.

First they used weapons. Tatsai went to the mountains and watched how the animals fought and applied it to the way humans fought. And thats how there became animal forms in Karate.
2006-05-21 23:03:41 UTC
martial arts begain when man begain figthing each other so basically when when man was created or evoled into humans
2006-05-18 14:11:45 UTC
Check here
vicky p
2006-05-18 14:12:34 UTC
2006-05-22 02:01:34 UTC
i wouldnt have a clue.
2006-05-20 10:27:18 UTC

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