2009-08-13 10:26:39 UTC
I see a LOT of bashing of it. I started out in Japanese Karate and made my way to Sandan (3rd dan). Then I had about 8 years of no training and when I came back there was a WTF school near my home. Now I had heard bad things, and was skeptical but a friend stronly encouraged me to check it out. Here is what I have seen
1. The training is damned hard. Among adults injuries occur from time to time, no one makes it even to blue belt without several minor injuries. Just last night the adult class began with a warm up of 100 pushups and 100 situps, then the actual class was hard enough that two lower ranked people had to stop and sit out. They just could not keep it up. We have former football players, police officers, military vets, etc.
2. I dont' see any 'giving away' of rank. There is a belt test this Saturday. I have personally seen three people told this week that they cannot test, they are not ready. Yes there are some child black belts, but they all have spent 4+ years training.
3. I don't do the WTF style tournaments, mostey because I was doing open tournaments for years and that is what I am used to, and frankly I am too darned old for the full contact knockout stuff that goes on at WTF tournaments (yes I said full contact knockout). But I have watched them and I can tell you that
a. The fighting is continuous, not point (points are totalled, just like boxing but no stop at the point)
b. Yes you can punch, just not to the head (I don't like that)
c. These people are hitting and kicking HARD. Knockouts happen at every tournament. I have never seen anyone told 'excessive contact'. A knockout is a valid win.
So what I am asking is this: I bashed the WTF TKD for years...then I found a legit WTF TKD school (the owner is a 7th dan and travels to Korea every year, he has a 5th dan who is korean assisting him) and I did not see ANY Of the things I had heard claimed about WTF. I have grown to like it, and stayed long enough to get my 1st Dan (in 2006) and am looking forward to a 2nd dan test in the next 6 months (and contrary to popular claims, WTF has time MINIMUMs. You must wait a MINIMUM of 1 year from 1st to 2nd, 2 from 2nd to 3rd, 3 from 3rd to 4th...you cannot have 5th before age 35 no matter if you started at age 4, etc.)
So I have to ask: how many of you bashing WTF, have been to a legit WTF school? What are you basing your comments on? Are you sure you are looking at WTF and not ATA when you form your opinions? Are you sure it is a real Kukkiwon certified WTF school and not just some guy saying he is WTF?