The truth of the matter is that all "traditional" martial arts have both offensive and defensive charicteristics. The are defnsive in the fact that you do everything you possibly can to avoid a fight, but when you are forced into it they become very offensive. The one possible exception I know of is Akido, which is totally dfensive.
Most of the time, unless it is one of the top contributers, you cannot totaly trust what people tell you on here. Most will say the style they train is the best, or what they see on tv such as in the UFC, and the truth is many have no actual experience. The best advice I can give you is this, and that's to take these steps:
1) Search the yellow pages or google to find out what is availible in yoru area that you can get too.
2) Go to this link:
They have a good list on finding a good school.
3) Visit each school in your area, comparing how it matches up against the list. Watch more then one class.
4) Narrow your choices using that list. The only thing left is to decide what you want out of Martial Arts, and which school will be best for giving you that.
Not to be rude but if you cannot muster the energy and discipline to at least do these things, you probably are not going to stick with any style for long, as any that train effectivly are hard and require dedication.